Channel: Lore Star
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: book of boba fettbaby yodadin djarinboba fettjon favreaugrogu lightsabergrogu baby yodastar wars newsstar wars explainedstar wars lorecad bane vs boba fettcad banethe book of boba fettluke skywalkerthe mandalorianstar warsstar wars theorythe child
Description: The Book of Boba Fett Chapter 6 was absolutely filled with surprises! Between the return of Cobb Vanth, the live-action debut of Cad Bane!!, and the,... more refined de-aging of Mark Hamil as post-return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker, this episode was just beyond huge! But even with all of that, nothing has people talking like the end of the episode, and the choice Grogu must make. I’m here today to talk about that choice, and why I believe we already know what Grogu will choose. To take Yoda's Lightsaber and become a Jedi, the first padawan in Luke's new Jedi Temple, to take the Beskar and become a Mandalorian Foundling in the clan of Din Djarin, or both to be the first Mandalorian Jedi since Tarre Vizla SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE Let's be friends on Discord: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Music thanks to Samuel Kim, be sure to check out all his awesome Star Wars-inspired mixes!